2024–25 PTSA Board

2024–25 PTSA Board

The fol­low­ing posi­tions are OPEN. Email president@eaglestaffptsa.org if you are inter­est­ed in any of these roles!

  • DEI Chair
  • Events Coor­di­na­tor

RESMS PTSA Board for 2024–25:

Pres­i­dent: Michelle Peters

Sec­re­taries: Tra­cy Buck­ing­ham and Sab­ri­na How­ell

Trea­sur­ers: Tori Morales and Tris­tan Heart-Myers

VPs of Fundrais­ing: Anne Hes­kel and Jessie Con­ta

DEI Chair: Open

Mem­ber­ship Chair: Xi (Hope) Yang

Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Chair/Raven’s Call Newslet­ter Edi­tor: Mag­gie Skin­ner

Advo­ca­cy Chair/Legislative Liai­son: Dan­i­ca Noble

Vol­un­teer Coor­di­na­tor: Nick Beau­fort

Activ­i­ties, Events & Ath­let­ics Coor­di­na­tor: Open

Fam­i­ly Support/Ravens Care Clos­et Coor­di­na­tors: Lau­ra Kunen and She­ley Bressler

Safe­ty Coor­di­na­tor: Michelle Mar­tin

Staff Appre­ci­a­tion Coordinator/Par­ent-Teacher Liai­son: Dra­gana Las­siter

Appar­el Coor­di­na­tor: Sahra Per­retz-Ros­ales 

Drama/Musical The­ater Coor­di­na­tors: Michelle Peters, Lisa Van­der­ford-Ander­son, Stephanie Mala­ki

Ski Bus Coor­di­na­tor: Michelle Peters

8th Grade Pro­mo­tion Com­mit­tee: Michelle Peters, Kel­li McDole, Lisa Van­der­ford-Ander­son, Jen Ashe

Ques­tions? Con­tact us for more info! Not sure who to ask, please email president@eaglestaffptsa.org.

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