RESMS Family Support

RESMS Family Support

RESMS Family Support & Ravens Care Closet

One of the vital func­tions of the RESMS PTSA is pro­vid­ing prac­ti­cal sup­port to fam­i­lies in our com­mu­ni­ty that are strug­gling finan­cial­ly or going through dif­fi­cult sit­u­a­tions and tran­si­tions, from job loss­es and severe ill­ness to home­less­ness. We do this in part­ner­ship with our great RESMS School Social Work­er, Car­rie Syvert­sen, and part­ner non-prof­its like Fam­i­ly­Works and Neigh­bor­Care.

The PSTA sup­ports this work by rais­ing funds for gift cards and direct pur­chas­es of need­ed items for fam­i­lies expe­ri­enc­ing a cri­sis. Fam­i­lies can also sign up for reg­u­lar deliv­er­ies of sup­ple­men­tal food from Fam­i­ly­Works or appoint­ments to select items from the Fam­i­ly­Works cloth­ing clos­et. Fam­i­lies want­i­ng to know more about access­ing these resources can con­tact their student’s grade-lev­el coun­selor or the RESMS School Social Work­er, Car­rie Syvert­sen, at [email protected]. Sign­ing up for week­ly food dis­tri­b­u­tion at school will also be found in the first-day pack­et of forms com­ing home to fam­i­lies.

The PTSA also main­tains an onsite Ravens Care Clos­et where stu­dents and fam­i­lies in need of assis­tance can pick up school sup­plies, hygiene items and house­hold neces­si­ties. The RESMS com­mu­ni­ty is grate­ful to the local small busi­ness­es who spon­sor our RESMS Care Clos­et each month, allow­ing us to keep this well-stocked through­out the year.

Fam­i­lies can donate NEW items for the Care Clos­et in the Main Office dur­ing reg­u­lar school hours. You can also pur­chase items from our Ama­zon Wish­list.

Items pur­chased online should be shipped to our PTSA Fam­i­ly Support/Ravens Care Clos­et Chairs at the “Care Cart Dona­tion” address option at check­out.

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