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Ultimate frisbee starts

September 10

Is your stu­dent inter­est­ed in play­ing Ulti­mate Fris­bee at Eagle Staff this Fall 2024? If so, please fill out this inter­est form. Prac­tices will be right after school, twice a week (pos­si­bly Tues­days and Fri­days, but not yet con­firmed). Games are on Sat­ur­days on fields through­out Seat­tle. Ulti­mate fris­bee is mixed-gen­der, and all skill lev­els are wel­come! It all starts up on Tues­day, Sept. 10, so please fill out the online Final­Forms and turn in your phys­i­cal form before school starts. Email [email protected] with any ques­tions.


September 10
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