Student Activities

Student Activities

Robert Eagle Staff Mid­dle School offers many fun stu­dent activ­i­ties through­out the year includ­ing before- and after-school pro­grams run by the Boys and Girls Club, a top-notch music pro­gram, sea­son­al sports, ASB stu­dent gov­ern­ment, and a vari­ety of extracur­ric­u­lar clubs. Read the week­ly newslet­ter, The Raven’s Call, to learn about oppor­tu­ni­ties avail­able to your stu­dent as they arise.

Associated Student Body (ASB)

The ASB is the RESMS Stu­dent Gov­ern­ment and sup­ports the school’s cul­ture. The group focus­es on plan­ning spir­it weeks, assem­blies, and stu­dent clubs and activ­i­ties.

Below is a list­ing of cur­rent and “in the works” clubs for the 2024–25 school year. More may be con­firmed as the year goes on:

Club Facil­i­ta­tor Meet­ing Time Loca­tion
ASB Hal­li­well & Edwards Thurs­days @ 8 AM Room 158
Glob­al Issues Club Red­dy Fri­days @ 8 AM Room 172
K Pop Club Syvert­sen Tues­days dur­ing 1st Lunch Raven Haven
Art Club Lin­den Dur­ing 1st &  2nd lunch Room 163
Dance Team Rubio Mon­days 4–5 PM (start­ing Dec. 2) Car­dio Room
Math and Puz­zle Club Beaudrowen Mon­days @ 4–5 PM Room 173
Dun­geons and Drag­ons Club TBD TBD TBD
Fish­ing Club TBD TBD TBD
Queer Straight Alliance Rip­ley Tues­days @ 3:45–5 PM Room 166
Co-Ed Vol­ley­ball Club Reyes Tues­days @ 8–8:40 AM & Thurs­days @ 4–5:30 PM Gym
Web Devel­op­ment Club Reyes TBD Room 364
Kan­di Bracelet Mak­ing Club Syvert­sen Mon­days dur­ing 1st & 2nd lunch Raven Haven
Yoga Club Syvert­sen Fri­days @ 7:30–8:30 AM Car­dio Room
Sci­ence Club Sci­ence Dept TBD TBD
Open Gym Liley Fri­days 7:45 AM Gym
Robot­ics Club TBD TBD TBD
Gar­den­ing Club Mihe­lakakis TBD TBD

Boys & Girls Club After School

The Boys & Girls Club at Eagle Staff offers a drop-in after-school pro­gram every day of the week and runs from after school — 6:00 pm. The cost of a mem­ber­ship is $50 and lasts the whole year. For more infor­ma­tion about the Boys & Girls Club offer­ings, con­tact Tim Bat­ten-King, Teen Direc­tor,  [email protected], 206.225‑9915.

Music Program 

Learn all about Eagle Staff’s five band and three orches­tra ensem­bles at FORES­MA’s web­site.

Musical Theater

Learn more about Matil­da The Musi­cal, Jr., this year’s musi­cal the­ater pro­duc­tion.

Ski bus

Here’s the lat­est about the 2023–24 Ski Bus! In the mean­time, join the Stone Ave. Snows­ports Ski Bus FB Goup.


Eagle Staff offers sev­er­al sports options for stu­dents through­out the year. Before stu­dents are allowed to try out and par­tic­i­pate in school ath­let­ics, par­ents and stu­dents must fill out and vir­tu­al­ly sign their online Final­Forms. Stu­dents must also sub­mit a cur­rent pre-par­tic­i­pa­tion phys­i­cal form (good for two years). Phys­i­cals can be sched­uled before, dur­ing or after school at the health clin­ic at Eagle Staff. Once the phys­i­cal form is filled out, you will need to attach it to your student’s Final­Forms account.

Try­outs are announced at school and in the week­ly newslet­ter, The Raven’s Call.

Fall Sports

  • Soc­cer (Girls)–Try­outs were Thurs­day, Sept. 12, Mon­day, Sept. 16 and Thurs­day, Sept. 19 after school. Prac­tices are on Mon­days and Thurs­days after school. Games will start the week­end of Sept. 28. All stu­dents must have their Final­Forms and pre-par­tic­i­pa­tion phys­i­cal form com­plet­ed before try­ing out.
  • Ulti­mate Fris­bee (Co-ed)–Try­outs were Tues­day, Sept. 10 after school. Prac­tices are Tues­days and Fri­days from 4–5:30 PM. Games are on Sat­ur­days. All stu­dents must have their Final­Forms and pre-par­tic­i­pa­tion phys­i­cal form com­plet­ed before try­ing out. Ques­tions? Con­tact [email protected]. 

Win­ter Sports

  • Bas­ket­ball (Girls)–Try­outs were Thurs­day, Dec 7, 2023: 4–5:30PM and Fri­day, Dec 8, 2023: 4–5:30PM The sea­son runs Jan­u­ary though March. Games are on Sat­ur­days.
  • Bas­ket­ball (Boys)–Try­outs were Mon­day, Dec 11, 2023: 4–5:30PM and Tues­day, Dec 12, 2023: 4–5:30PM. The sea­son runs Jan­u­ary though March. Games are on Sat­ur­days.

Spring Sports

  • Track (Co-ed)–Every­one who wants to join the team is wel­come! Twice-week­ly prac­tices start Tues­day, March 19 after school with 4–5 meets on Sat­ur­days.
  • Soc­cer (Boys)–Try­outs were Thurs­day, March 14 & Fri­day, March 15 from 4–5:30 pm each day. Games are on Sat­ur­days.
  • Vol­ley­ball (Girls)–Try­outs were Thurs­day, March 14 & Fri­day, March 15 from 4–5:30 pm each day. Teams will be set over that week­end, with prac­tices start­ing the week of Mon­day, March 18. Games are on Sat­ur­days.
    • Var­si­ty prac­tices will be held on Tues­days and Fri­days from 4–5:30 p.m.
    • JV prac­tices will be held on Mon­days and Fri­days from 4–5:30 p.m.
    • JVC prac­tices will be held on Mon­days and Thurs­days from 4–5:30 p.m.
  • Ulti­mate Fris­bee (Co-ed)–Try­outs are in Feb­ru­ary; twice-week­ly prac­tices gen­er­al­ly begin after mid-win­ter break. The sea­son runs through mid-May with games played on Sat­ur­days.
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