Picture Day Details

Picture Day Details

Pic­ture day is com­ing up on Mon­day, Oct. 14. The time stu­dents will be pho­tographed is TBD.

Fam­i­lies can pre-order por­trait pack­ages. Just include your email address and select your pack­age. Sep­a­rate orders are required for each stu­dent.

Print­ed pre-orders will be shipped direct­ly to fam­i­lies approx­i­mate­ly three weeks after Pic­ture day. Dig­i­tal orders will be sent via email.

Retake day is sched­uled for Mon­day, Novem­ber 18.

Cleat Closet

Cleat Closet

We need cleats! Cleats are expen­sive and kids’ feet are grow­ing fast. We’re start­ing up a Cleat Clos­et as part of the Ravens Care Clos­et. We would love to have enough cleats avail­able so that any stu­dent who needs a pair can find one that fits. So, if you have a pair of out­grown gen­tly worn cleats, please con­sid­er donat­ing them to Eagle Staff. If your stu­dent needs a pair, please con­tact Lau­ra Kunen or your child’s coach to see if we have the right size. Cleats can be donat­ed in the main office in the green box labeled “Ravens Care Clos­et.” Thank you!

Yearbook pre-orders are open Sept. 16–27

Yearbook pre-orders are open Sept. 16–27

Pre-orders help us deter­mine how many copies to order this year and also guar­an­tees that your stu­dent will receive a book when they arrive in June.

There will be two oppor­tu­ni­ties to pur­chase a year­book this year.

  • Sept. 16-Sept. 27 and
  • Dec. 2‑Dec. 13

With a stur­dy hard­cov­er and 80 full-col­or pages, our Ravens year­book is a great way to remem­ber class­mates, sport­ing events, spir­it weeks, assem­blies and more!

The cost of each year­book is $25. There will be a link avail­able on School­Pay to pay by cred­it card, (look at your his­to­ry in School­Pay to con­firm your pay­ment) or you can bring a check or cash into the office dur­ing these time­frames. For a par­tial or full schol­ar­ship, please con­tact your child’s grade-lev­el coun­selor.

Any gen­er­al ques­tions, please con­tact Kathy Sax­on, year­book advi­sor.

Ski Bus Registration

Ski Bus Registration

Reg­is­tra­tion is now open for Stone Ave. Snows­ports Ski Bus. Reg­is­tra­tion is open until Novem­ber 19. The pro­gram will be capped at the first 80 par­tic­i­pants and is open only to cur­rent enrolled stu­dents at Robert Eagle Staff Mid­dle School. After 80 have signed up, we will start a wait­list.
Please note this is not a school-run pro­gram. It is vol­un­teer run, using Snow Sports Con­sult­ing Ser­vice for trans­porta­tion.
On Decem­ber 4 at 7 p.m. (Zoom link TBA), we will hold a fam­i­ly and stu­dent meet­ing to go through every­thing and expec­ta­tions.

A few things to note:
  • Ski bus will run for 8 weeks this year, 2 more weeks than pre­vi­ous­ly.
  • Dates: Jan­u­ary 10, 2025, skip­ping Feb­ru­ary 21, fin­ish­ing on March 7, 2025, unless weath­er forces post­pone­ment. If a can­cel­la­tion occurs, we auto­mat­i­cal­ly extend the pro­gram the num­ber of trips missed.
  • Time: The bus­es depart RESMS at 4 p.m. for Sum­mit Cen­tral Ski Area; arrive back to RESMS around 10:45–11 p.m.
  • Ski bus is trans­porta­tion only (lessons must be arranged sep­a­rate­ly and we do not over­see atten­dance at those lessons).
  • Cost: $475/student.
  • All stu­dents will be required to sign a behavior/expectations con­tract before being part of the ski bus.
  • Keep up to date on the ski bus Face­book group.
What should you do now?
  • Wait for reg­is­tra­tion to open.
  • Make sure you have your student’s ski pass for the Sum­mit, or have a plan to pur­chase a reload­able tick­et card for the weeks we will be up there.
  • Pull out last year’s ski gear to check that every­thing still fits and/or secure rentals (Seat­tle Ski & Snow­board is a great, fam­i­ly-run option not far from our neigh­bor­hood).
  • Save the date for family/student meet­ing on Dec. 4, 7 p.m.
  • Need gear? Post on the Face­book page.
  • Have gear to offer? Post on the Face­book page.
New to ski bus and have ques­tions? Check out the Face­book group for the lat­est and great­est infor­ma­tion or email Michelle Peters at [email protected]
Ravens 8th Grade 2025 East Coast Tour

Ravens 8th Grade 2025 East Coast Tour

Info and Reg­is­tra­tion Meet­ing

When: Thurs­day, Sep­tem­ber 19th @ 7:30pm

Zoom Meet­ing ID: 820 9218 6320

Zoom Link: https://zoom.us/join

8th Graders…get ready!! Join our super fun and edu­ca­tion­al trip to Wash­ing­ton D.C., Philadel­phia and New York City. The trip will take place dur­ing the Mid-Win­ter Break (Feb­ru­ary 15 – 20, 2025) and is open to all 8th graders and their par­ents.

Spaces are lim­it­ed! All reg­is­tra­tions are accept­ed on a first come, first serve basis and the only way to secure your space(s) on the trip is to reg­is­ter a.s.a.p.

For fur­ther infor­ma­tion:
Ms. Mar­tinez at [email protected] Yuval Bau­man at [email protected]

**This meet­ing is only for fam­i­lies who have NOT YET REGISTERED (if you’ve already reg­is­tered, you do not need to attend)**

** This trip is not a school or dis­trict spon­sored event**

Volunteers needed

Volunteers needed

Vol­un­teers need­ed for the­ater audi­tions week of Mon­day, Sept. 16

The fall the­ater per­for­mance needs 1–2 vol­un­teers who can help man­age audi­tions for Mary Pop­pins! Sign up on Signup­Ge­nius at bit.ly/resms-theater-audi­tions-sep-2024. For ques­tions email [email protected].

8th grade Ork­i­la trip vol­un­teers: Fill out your vol­un­teer appli­ca­tions!
Par­ents, guardians, and oth­er com­mu­ni­ty mem­bers who want to vol­un­teer for the Ork­i­la trip need to fill out their vol­un­teer appli­ca­tions as soon as pos­si­ble. Overnight vol­un­teers must be approved Cat­e­go­ry B vol­un­teers, which can take 2–3 weeks. You can start the process by vis­it­ing bit.ly/resms-volunteer-2024. For ques­tions, email [email protected]
Math & Puzzle Club

Math & Puzzle Club

Math & Puz­zle Club starts Mon­day, Oct. 14
Coach Nick is excit­ed to bring back the Math & Puz­zle Club again this year, but we are wait­ing until after the Ork­i­la trip to start meet­ings! This year we’ll spend lots of time on prob­a­bil­i­ty so that stu­dents learn how to win games, as well as what makes a “good” game. Oth­er top­ics may include Rubik’s Cube solv­ing, fast ways to check your work, and a spring filled with “weird math stuff”.
Math & Puz­zle Club meets on Mon­days from 3:45–5:30 p.m. in Ms Rubio’s room (173). Stu­dents can leave at 5 p.m. if need­ed. Inter­est­ed fam­i­lies should fill out the sur­vey at bit.ly/resms-mathclub-2024. Math Club is for every­one. No advanced math expe­ri­ence is nec­es­sary.


Math­counts & AMC 8 Prac­tice starts Wednes­day, Oct. 16

The Math & Puz­zle Club invites all inter­est­ed stu­dents to prac­tice for Math­counts, the Amer­i­can Math Com­pe­ti­tion, and Math Is Cool. Com­peti­tors do not have to attend Mon­day Club meet­ings.

Prac­tices this year are in per­son at RESMS, Wednes­days from 2:30–4 p.m. in Ms Rubio’s room (173). No pre­vi­ous advanced math expe­ri­ence is nec­es­sary. For ques­tions email Coach Nick at [email protected].

Fall Sports Tryouts

Fall Sports Tryouts

Eagle Staff offers sev­er­al sports options for stu­dents through­out the year. Before stu­dents can try out and par­tic­i­pate in school ath­let­ics, par­ents and stu­dents must fill out and vir­tu­al­ly sign their online Final­Forms. Stu­dents must also sub­mit a cur­rent pre-par­tic­i­pa­tion phys­i­cal form (good for two years). Phys­i­cals can be sched­uled before, dur­ing or after school at the health clin­ic at Eagle Staff. Once the phys­i­cal form is filled out, you will need to attach it to your student’s Final­Forms account.

Co-ed ulti­mate fris­bee
Is your stu­dent inter­est­ed in play­ing Ulti­mate Fris­bee at Eagle Staff this Fall 2024? If so, please fill out this inter­est form. Prac­tices will be right after school, twice a week on Tues­days and Fri­days. Games are on Sat­ur­days on fields through­out Seat­tle. Ulti­mate fris­bee is mixed-gen­der, and all skill lev­els are wel­come! Try­outs start on Tues­day, Sept. 10, so please fill out the online Final­Forms which includes a cur­rent pre-par­tic­i­pa­tion phys­i­cal form as soon as pos­si­ble. Play­ers can­not try­out with­out sub­mit­ting all forms. All new and return­ing play­ers need to fill out these forms. Email eaglestafful­ti­mat[email protected] with any ques­tions.

Girls’ soc­cer
Try­outs will be three days: Thurs­day, Sept. 12, Mon­day, Sept. 16 and Thurs­day, Sept. 19 after school. All stu­dents must have their Final­Forms and pre-par­tic­i­pa­tion phys­i­cal form com­plet­ed before try­ing out.

Prac­tices will be Mon­days and Thurs­days after school.

Games will start the week­end of Sept. 28.

Register for Mary Poppins Auditions

Register for Mary Poppins Auditions

This year’s musi­cal will be Mary Pop­pins, Jr.!

Please com­plete the audi­tion form by Fri­day, Sept. 13!

Audi­tions: After school, Sept. 16, 18, 20 (Vol­un­teers are need­ed to help with audi­tions!)
Call­backs: After school, Sept. 23, 25, 27

There is a $50 sug­gest­ed fee for stu­dents par­tic­i­pat­ing in the musi­cal the­atre pro­duc­tion. This fee helps cre­ate a high-qual­i­ty expe­ri­ence for stu­dents and sus­tains the pro­gram for years to come. Fam­i­lies can also pay what they can if this fee is too much, as we want to ensure that all stu­dents have access to par­tic­i­pat­ing regard­less of their fam­i­lies’ finan­cial cir­cum­stances. Thank you, and please reach out to Michelle Peters at [email protected] if you have any ques­tions or con­cerns.

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