Ski Bus Registration

Ski Bus Registration

Reg­is­tra­tion is now open for Stone Ave. Snows­ports Ski Bus. Reg­is­tra­tion is open until Novem­ber 19. The pro­gram will be capped at the first 80 par­tic­i­pants and is open only to cur­rent enrolled stu­dents at Robert Eagle Staff Mid­dle School. After 80 have signed up, we will start a wait­list.
Please note this is not a school-run pro­gram. It is vol­un­teer run, using Snow Sports Con­sult­ing Ser­vice for trans­porta­tion.
On Decem­ber 4 at 7 p.m. (Zoom link TBA), we will hold a fam­i­ly and stu­dent meet­ing to go through every­thing and expec­ta­tions.

A few things to note:
  • Ski bus will run for 8 weeks this year, 2 more weeks than pre­vi­ous­ly.
  • Dates: Jan­u­ary 10, 2025, skip­ping Feb­ru­ary 21, fin­ish­ing on March 7, 2025, unless weath­er forces post­pone­ment. If a can­cel­la­tion occurs, we auto­mat­i­cal­ly extend the pro­gram the num­ber of trips missed.
  • Time: The bus­es depart RESMS at 4 p.m. for Sum­mit Cen­tral Ski Area; arrive back to RESMS around 10:45–11 p.m.
  • Ski bus is trans­porta­tion only (lessons must be arranged sep­a­rate­ly and we do not over­see atten­dance at those lessons).
  • Cost: $475/student.
  • All stu­dents will be required to sign a behavior/expectations con­tract before being part of the ski bus.
  • Keep up to date on the ski bus Face­book group.
What should you do now?
  • Wait for reg­is­tra­tion to open.
  • Make sure you have your student’s ski pass for the Sum­mit, or have a plan to pur­chase a reload­able tick­et card for the weeks we will be up there.
  • Pull out last year’s ski gear to check that every­thing still fits and/or secure rentals (Seat­tle Ski & Snow­board is a great, fam­i­ly-run option not far from our neigh­bor­hood).
  • Save the date for family/student meet­ing on Dec. 4, 7 p.m.
  • Need gear? Post on the Face­book page.
  • Have gear to offer? Post on the Face­book page.
New to ski bus and have ques­tions? Check out the Face­book group for the lat­est and great­est infor­ma­tion or email Michelle Peters at [email protected]
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