Calling all techies! Come be a part of making the magic happen!

Calling all techies! Come be a part of making the magic happen!

The Mary Pop­pins pro­duc­tion needs approx­i­mate­ly 25 ener­getic and ded­i­cat­ed tech­ni­cal crew mem­bers to help pre­pare and run the show. Roles include:

  • Assis­tance with find­ing and mak­ing sets and props
  • Run­ning sound and lights dur­ing the show
  • Set changes dur­ing the show
  • Man­ag­ing props and cos­tumes dur­ing the show
  • Hand­ing out pro­grams, work­ing the bake sale and gen­er­al house man­age­ment

Please sign up HERE by Fri­day, Oct. 25. 

Once sign-ups are com­plete, we will assign roles and be in touch via email. Please know that we will make every effort to assign roles based on per­son­al pref­er­ence, but all jobs are vital and we will fill posi­tions where help is most need­ed. All crew will be required to attend rehearsals and the show in Jan­u­ary. Those dates are:

  • Rehearsals after school dur­ing the weeks of Jan­u­ary 13 and Jan­u­ary 20
  • Per­for­mances on Jan­u­ary 25, 26, and 29

Most crew will not be need­ed pri­or to those dates. The only excep­tion will be those who want to help in mak­ing sets/props — we may arrange after-school work ses­sions on some Wednes­days in November/December and pos­si­bly a Sat­ur­day in Jan­u­ary — those dates are TBD depend­ing on interest/need and will be com­mu­ni­cat­ed via email.

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