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Volunteers needed

Volunteers needed

“Open house” vol­un­teer­ing oppor­tu­ni­ty for col­lat­ing back-to-school pack­ets. We need help with putting pack­ets togeth­er for all stu­dents. Involves stand­ing, shuf­fling papers, and lots of sta­pling! The more vol­un­teers, the mer­ri­er!

  • Tues­day, Sept. 3, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
  • Wednes­day, Sept. 4, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. (if need­ed)

Sign up to vol­un­teer, let us know when you will be by and how long you can stay.

New way to pay for school meals

New way to pay for school meals

Pay­PAMS is no longer active, and bal­ances from last year have been moved to MySchool­Bucks.

Pulled from Seat­tle Pub­lic Schools’ web­site:

Pay­ing Online

Stu­dent meals can be paid for with a cred­it card online at MySchool­Bucks, effec­tive August 7, 2024.

MySchool­Bucks may require the Student’s ID num­ber or birth­day to cre­ate an account. The Stu­dent ID num­ber can be found on report cards or by access­ing The Source.

MySchool­Bucks charges users a $2.75 fee for credit/debit card meal pay­ments and $2.49 for elec­tron­ic check meal pay­ments for a max­i­mum pay­ment lim­it of $200.

The fee will not be applied mul­ti­ple times with­in the same trans­ac­tion when a par­ent is pay­ing for mul­ti­ple stu­dents. This will allow fam­i­lies of two or more stu­dents to make pay­ments up to $400 in one trans­ac­tion (or even $600 dol­lars if they have 3 stu­dents).

Pay­ing with Check or Cash

Culi­nary Ser­vices offers a vari­ety of con­ve­nient ways to pay for school meals. Checks and cash are accept­ed by the school’s lunch­room man­ag­er either as a pre-paid deposit to a student’s account or for pur­chas­ing indi­vid­ual meals, milk, or oth­er àla carte items. Checks should be made payable to Culi­nary Ser­vices.

Fam­i­lies are also encour­aged to work with the lunch­room man­ag­er at their child’s school to dis­cuss pay­ing for meals, how to apply for school meal ben­e­fits, menus, etc.

Join the 2024–25 Eagle Staff PTSA Board!

Join the 2024–25 Eagle Staff PTSA Board!

We need to fill a few more open posi­tions, let us know if you are inter­est­ed!

Incom­ing and cur­rent parents/guardians are encour­aged to serve on next year’s board. No PTSA expe­ri­ence is nec­es­sary. Have a friend? Team up! You can co-chair a posi­tion. Roles are flex­i­ble, and time com­mit­ments vary (as low as 1–2 hours per month). Board meet­ings are once a month. Send any ques­tions to [email protected].

    • DEI chair
    • Events coor­di­na­tor
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