Spirit wear sale is open!
The spirit wear store is open now through Sept. 30! Orders will be delivered at school about 3–4 weeks after the store closes.
Questions? Contact Sahra Perretz-Rosales.
The spirit wear store is open now through Sept. 30! Orders will be delivered at school about 3–4 weeks after the store closes.
Questions? Contact Sahra Perretz-Rosales.
Info and Registration Meeting
When: Thursday, September 19th @ 7:30pm
Zoom Meeting ID: 820 9218 6320
Zoom Link: https://zoom.us/join
8th Graders…get ready!! Join our super fun and educational trip to Washington D.C., Philadelphia and New York City. The trip will take place during the Mid-Winter Break (February 15 – 20, 2025) and is open to all 8th graders and their parents.
Spaces are limited! All registrations are accepted on a first come, first serve basis and the only way to secure your space(s) on the trip is to register a.s.a.p.
For further information:
Ms. Martinez at dcmartinez@seattleschools.org Yuval Bauman at yuval@apple-tours.com
**This meeting is only for families who have NOT YET REGISTERED (if you’ve already registered, you do not need to attend)**
** This trip is not a school or district sponsored event**
The fall theater performance needs 1–2 volunteers who can help manage auditions for Mary Poppins! Sign up on SignupGenius at bit.ly/resms-theater-
The Math & Puzzle Club invites all interested students to practice for Mathcounts, the American Math Competition, and Math Is Cool. Competitors do not have to attend Monday Club meetings.
Practices this year are in person at RESMS, Wednesdays from 2:30–4 p.m. in Ms Rubio’s room (173). No previous advanced math experience is necessary. For questions email Coach Nick at mathclub@eaglestaffptsa.org.
Eagle Staff offers several sports options for students throughout the year. Before students can try out and participate in school athletics, parents and students must fill out and virtually sign their online FinalForms. Students must also submit a current pre-participation physical form (good for two years). Physicals can be scheduled before, during or after school at the health clinic at Eagle Staff. Once the physical form is filled out, you will need to attach it to your student’s FinalForms account.
Co-ed ultimate frisbee
Is your student interested in playing Ultimate Frisbee at Eagle Staff this Fall 2024? If so, please fill out this interest form. Practices will be right after school, twice a week on Tuesdays and Fridays. Games are on Saturdays on fields throughout Seattle. Ultimate frisbee is mixed-gender, and all skill levels are welcome! Tryouts start on Tuesday, Sept. 10, so please fill out the online FinalForms which includes a current pre-participation physical form as soon as possible. Players cannot tryout without submitting all forms. All new and returning players need to fill out these forms. Email eaglestaffultimat
Girls’ soccer
Tryouts will be three days: Thursday, Sept. 12, Monday, Sept. 16 and Thursday, Sept. 19 after school. All students must have their FinalForms and pre-participation physical form completed before trying out.
Practices will be Mondays and Thursdays after school.
Games will start the weekend of Sept. 28.
This year’s musical will be Mary Poppins, Jr.!
Please complete the audition form by Friday, Sept. 13!
Auditions: After school, Sept. 16, 18, 20 (Volunteers are needed to help with auditions!)
Callbacks: After school, Sept. 23, 25, 27
There is a $50 suggested fee for students participating in the musical theatre production. This fee helps create a high-quality experience for students and sustains the program for years to come. Families can also pay what they can if this fee is too much, as we want to ensure that all students have access to participating regardless of their families’ financial circumstances. Thank you, and please reach out to Michelle Peters at president@eaglestaffptsa.org if you have any questions or concerns.
“Open house” volunteering opportunity for collating back-to-school packets. We need help with putting packets together for all students. Involves standing, shuffling papers, and lots of stapling! The more volunteers, the merrier!
Sign up to volunteer, let us know when you will be by and how long you can stay.
PayPAMS is no longer active, and balances from last year have been moved to MySchoolBucks.
Pulled from Seattle Public Schools’ website:
Paying Online
Student meals can be paid for with a credit card online at MySchoolBucks, effective August 7, 2024.
MySchoolBucks may require the Student’s ID number or birthday to create an account. The Student ID number can be found on report cards or by accessing The Source.
MySchoolBucks charges users a $2.75 fee for credit/debit card meal payments and $2.49 for electronic check meal payments for a maximum payment limit of $200.
The fee will not be applied multiple times within the same transaction when a parent is paying for multiple students. This will allow families of two or more students to make payments up to $400 in one transaction (or even $600 dollars if they have 3 students).
Paying with Check or Cash
Culinary Services offers a variety of convenient ways to pay for school meals. Checks and cash are accepted by the school’s lunchroom manager either as a pre-paid deposit to a student’s account or for purchasing individual meals, milk, or other àla carte items. Checks should be made payable to Culinary Services.
Families are also encouraged to work with the lunchroom manager at their child’s school to discuss paying for meals, how to apply for school meal benefits, menus, etc.
We need to fill a few more open positions, let us know if you are interested!
Incoming and current parents/guardians are encouraged to serve on next year’s board. No PTSA experience is necessary. Have a friend? Team up! You can co-chair a position. Roles are flexible, and time commitments vary (as low as 1–2 hours per month). Board meetings are once a month. Send any questions to president@eaglestaffptsa.org.