Spring PTSA General Assembly Meeting-in person

Board meeting will be from 6:30-7. General meeting will begin at 7.  We will be meeting in RESMS Commons Area. Join us for a town hall-style general meeting in June! Learn more about the PTSA’s budget for 2024-2025 Q&A session with Principal Stowell and current parents Presentation of the Golden Acorn and Golden Raven awards Hear about open roles on the PTSA board This year’s PTSA members will vote on next year’s PTSA budget and board officers Snacks and drinks!...

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8th grade promotion

Let's celebrate Eagle Staff 8th graders!Mark your calendars for the 2024 8th Grade Promotion: Thursday, June 206 PM Arrival6:30 PM Program begins promptly on the big fieldReception to follow on the small fieldQuestions or need accommodations for the event? Please contact events@eaglestaffptsa.org.

Incoming 6th-grader orientation

Tour the school, practice lockers, pick up your YONDR pouch if you have a phone, enjoy ice cream at the end of the event! 8th-grade WEB leaders to arrive at 8:30 a.m. to help with set up.

Ice cream social for 7th and 8th graders

Join your classmates on the small field for an ice cream social before school starts! Pick up your class schedule and your YONDR pouch if you have a phone, sign up for the UW Focus Group study, and meet and greet the admin team. If you can't make it you can swing by the school on Tuesday, Sept. 3 from 1-2 p.m. for a new student orientation and to hand out YONDR pouches.

7th & 8th Grade New Student Orientation

Students in 7th & 8th grades, who are new to Robert Eagle Staff will get an orientation to the school. If you could not attend the Ice Cream Social on Aug. 29 and would like to pick up your YONDR pouch, you can swing by this event to pick it up.

Ultimate frisbee starts

Is your student interested in playing Ultimate Frisbee at Eagle Staff this Fall 2024? If so, please fill out this interest form. Practices will be right after school, twice a week (possibly Tuesdays and Fridays, but not yet confirmed). Games are on Saturdays on fields throughout Seattle. Ultimate frisbee is mixed-gender, and all skill levels are welcome! It all starts up on Tuesday, Sept. 10, so please fill out the online FinalForms and turn in your physical form before school starts. Email eaglestaffultimate@gmail.com with...

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