Fall Sports Tryouts

Fall Sports Tryouts

Eagle Staff offers sev­er­al sports options for stu­dents through­out the year. Before stu­dents can try out and par­tic­i­pate in school ath­let­ics, par­ents and stu­dents must fill out and vir­tu­al­ly sign their online Final­Forms. Stu­dents must also sub­mit a cur­rent pre-par­tic­i­pa­tion phys­i­cal form (good for two years). Phys­i­cals can be sched­uled before, dur­ing or after school at the health clin­ic at Eagle Staff. Once the phys­i­cal form is filled out, you will need to attach it to your student’s Final­Forms account.

Co-ed ulti­mate fris­bee
Is your stu­dent inter­est­ed in play­ing Ulti­mate Fris­bee at Eagle Staff this Fall 2024? If so, please fill out this inter­est form. Prac­tices will be right after school, twice a week on Tues­days and Fri­days. Games are on Sat­ur­days on fields through­out Seat­tle. Ulti­mate fris­bee is mixed-gen­der, and all skill lev­els are wel­come! Try­outs start on Tues­day, Sept. 10, so please fill out the online Final­Forms which includes a cur­rent pre-par­tic­i­pa­tion phys­i­cal form as soon as pos­si­ble. Play­ers can­not try­out with­out sub­mit­ting all forms. All new and return­ing play­ers need to fill out these forms. Email eaglestafful­ti­mat[email protected] with any ques­tions.

Girls’ soc­cer
Try­outs will be three days: Thurs­day, Sept. 12, Mon­day, Sept. 16 and Thurs­day, Sept. 19 after school. All stu­dents must have their Final­Forms and pre-par­tic­i­pa­tion phys­i­cal form com­plet­ed before try­ing out.

Prac­tices will be Mon­days and Thurs­days after school.

Games will start the week­end of Sept. 28.

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