Ravens 8th Grade 2025 East Coast Tour

Ravens 8th Grade 2025 East Coast Tour

Info and Reg­is­tra­tion Meet­ing

When: Thurs­day, Sep­tem­ber 19th @ 7:30pm

Zoom Meet­ing ID: 820 9218 6320

Zoom Link: https://zoom.us/join

8th Graders…get ready!! Join our super fun and edu­ca­tion­al trip to Wash­ing­ton D.C., Philadel­phia and New York City. The trip will take place dur­ing the Mid-Win­ter Break (Feb­ru­ary 15 – 20, 2025) and is open to all 8th graders and their par­ents.

Spaces are lim­it­ed! All reg­is­tra­tions are accept­ed on a first come, first serve basis and the only way to secure your space(s) on the trip is to reg­is­ter a.s.a.p.

For fur­ther infor­ma­tion:
Ms. Mar­tinez at [email protected] Yuval Bau­man at [email protected]

**This meet­ing is only for fam­i­lies who have NOT YET REGISTERED (if you’ve already reg­is­tered, you do not need to attend)**

** This trip is not a school or dis­trict spon­sored event**

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