Yearbook pre-orders are open Sept. 16–27

Yearbook pre-orders are open Sept. 16–27

Pre-orders help us deter­mine how many copies to order this year and also guar­an­tees that your stu­dent will receive a book when they arrive in June.

There will be two oppor­tu­ni­ties to pur­chase a year­book this year.

  • Sept. 16-Sept. 27 and
  • Dec. 2‑Dec. 13

With a stur­dy hard­cov­er and 80 full-col­or pages, our Ravens year­book is a great way to remem­ber class­mates, sport­ing events, spir­it weeks, assem­blies and more!

The cost of each year­book is $25. There will be a link avail­able on School­Pay to pay by cred­it card, (look at your his­to­ry in School­Pay to con­firm your pay­ment) or you can bring a check or cash into the office dur­ing these time­frames. For a par­tial or full schol­ar­ship, please con­tact your child’s grade-lev­el coun­selor.

Any gen­er­al ques­tions, please con­tact Kathy Sax­on, year­book advi­sor.

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